This blog was originally sent as an email to my subscribers on March 19, 2021. This is an archive, so it’s possible some links are missing or expired. If you want me to deliver these emails directly to your inbox, click here to join my email list.
Subject: rest is a practice
When’s the last time you took a break?
I’m settling in to an AirBnB on the Puget Sound for a weekend of rest, salty snacks, and bad movies.
It would’ve been super easy for me to cancel our plans and stay home to work.
We’re neck deep in preparations for my upcoming online event (more on that soooon!) and there is a LOT of work to do.
But I need a break. And I want to practice what I preach.
So here am I… sipping a hot cup of tea, writing you a quick email, enjoying this gorgeous view.
Rest is a practice.
Sometimes it comes organically, sometimes you have to force yourself to do it.
If productivity is your default, consider giving yourself permission to practice resting this weekend.
You deserve it… and your business will be better for it.