Well, hello there!

I’m Maegan, and I have a feeling we’re going to be fast friends.

If you’re like most therapists I know

You love being a therapist, but you’re fed-up with feeling emotionally exhausted and creatively unfulfilled. You’re ready to let your real personality out of the closet, but how? You’re trapped inside of the private practice prison you’ve created and need to escape without flushing your (very expensive) license down the toilet.

That’s where I come in.

I’m Maegan Megginson...

Former sex therapist, 7-figure group practice owner, and business coach for some of the coolest therapists on the planet.

My clients are whip-smart, creative, empathic badasses who are, in my humble opinion, really fuckin’ cool.

Maegan Megginson
I wasn’t a natural born member of the cool kids’ club.

My adolescent self could be described as suffocatingly serious, paralyzingly perfectionist, and obnoxiously overachieving. My 8th grade class voted me “Most Likely to Succeed”—which is a polite way of saying “Most Boring & Uncool But We Know You’ll Be Our Boss One Day So We Want to Stay on Your Good Side”.

It makes sense I became a therapist. It was a perfect fit—serious, emotional, important, and all about other people. I was conditioned to carry the weight of other people’s suffering on my shoulders. Being a neutral blank-slate fit perfectly into my established public-facing personality.

The first 5 years of my career were pretty predictable


Finished graduate school, joined local group practice in Houston, and completed the Emotion Focused Couples Therapy certification process in record time.


Left the group and opened my first private practice, complete with DIY website and fancier-than-necessary office space. I was booked solid with premium fee private pay clients in less than 3 months.

Early 2016

Moved to Portland with my husband Jonathan and our 3 beagles. Opened my second private practice and was booked solid in less than 2 months (progress!).

Mid 2016

Became an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and mastered the art of local media exposure, networking, and community outreach. People start calling me a marketing maven!

I was only 5 years into my career, and I was already bored.

I couldn’t help but wonder, is this it? Am I supposed to see 20 therapy clients a week, write blog posts, and go to networking meetings for the next 30 years of my career?!

And there was another problem

My blank-slate persona and therapist-approved J.Crew cardigan were starting to get a bit itchy. On the outside, I was super successful; on the inside, I felt sad and uninspired.

This is where my journey gets a bit tumultuous

Late 2016

We decided to retire my husband Jonathan from corporate America so he could work for ME (… I mean, for us ????).

Early 2017

Invested in my first business coaching program and revived my creativity as I started thinking about my career beyond 1-on-1 therapy.

Mid 2017

Wasn’t sure what to do next but was ready to take action, so I did what most therapists do in this situation and started a group practice.


Debuted my very first existential crisis! What are you doing with your life? Does any of this matter? Maybe you should become a librarian and CALL IT A DAY. Burnout forced me to slow down and evaluate my life choices.

After working with my own therapist to “find myself”, I realized the blank slate bullshit was holding me back from embracing who I really was: a funny, creative, bold woman who wanted to shed perfectionism and start having some FUN.

was the year of transformation.

After admitting group practice was not my passion, I started experimenting with business coaching. It was like taking off my bra at the end of a long, sweaty day, slipping into a luxurious silk caftan, and sipping on a gin martini hand-delivered by Don Draper.

In other words, I’d found my true calling.

I started testing the boundaries of what I was “allowed” to do as a therapist, which freed me from the restraints of group practice and opened up a world of shiny new possibilities I thought were off-limits to licensed professionals.

The next two years were a juggling act between my group practice and this coaching business.


Hired a full-time manager to run the group practice and stopped seeing therapy clients. The group became a thriving 7-figure company that operates without my daily involvement.


Focused on fine-tuning my coaching methods with my booked solid roster of private business coaching clients.


Created my online fundraising series, The Rest & Success Code, and launched my first high-level group coaching program, Rest & Success Mastermind.


Launched my signature program, Next-Level Therapist, and turned the mastermind into Spotlight, my intimate coaching community for next-level therapists.

And voilĂ !

Now you’re here, reading this fancy website I paid a lot of money for, to prove to you ‌I’m legit and cool. (Did it work?!)

After over a decade of therapy, coaching, trial-and-error, and approximately 5,487 boxes of Kleenex...

I know without a doubt I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

I spend my days luxuriating in the all the white space on my calendar, tapping into my creative brain, writing emails to my lovely audience, and taking long breaks to eat cheese sticks and bask in the sunshine.

My favorite part of the day? Logging onto Zoom to help my badass clients become deeply rested and wildly successful by creating their very own next-level businesses.

So, what d’ya think?

Ready to create your very own next-level therapy business?

It’s time to choose your own adventure!

I think you’re interesting and want to dip my toe in your world
 but only if it’s free ????

Watch The Happy Therapist Masterclass for zero dollars. It’s my gift to you! Watch Free Masterclass

This sounds like a dream, but my schedule is WHACK. I barely had time to read this page. HELP!

Grab my Chill AF workshop for therapists who need a schedule intervention STAT. Join Chill AF Workshop

I’m SOLD. Maegan, I wish I would’ve started working with you yesterday. Where do I start?

Join Next-Level Therapist, my signature program for ambitious therapists. Join Next-Level Therapist

“Maegan has this lovely way of holding you accountable to your dreams and your needs, while loving you at the same time. She cultivated a relationship with me where I felt incredibly seen, nurtured, protected, and cared for, while also knowing when and how to challenge and push me with compassion that motivated me.”

Annie Robershaw


“I don’t feel stuck or trapped anymore. Working with Maegan has made me back every fucking dollar I’ve ever spent on her—my first launch alone generated $10,000 in revenue!”

Dr. Ann Marie Miner

Clinical Psychologist and Motherhood Disruptor

“Maegan has taught me to grow a successful business while also being well rested. My growth has aligned with my business growth, and it’s so helpful, I’m signing up for a third time!”

Emy Tafelski


“Working with Maegan has led to not just business growth, but also personal and emotional growth. Maegan’s coaching style is gently assertive. It feels really good when somebody comes in with gentleness and says: ‘You’re doing a great job and how can we push you forward?’”

Atiq Shomar

LCSW & Anti-Oppression Consultant

“I used to wake up in the morning with such a sense of overwhelm and anxiety, but now it’s been replaced with an excitement that’s like waking up on Christmas morning! If you’re considering working with Maegan, DO IT! Worth every penny. ”

Lucy Smith

PhD, Licensed Psychologist

Find a path out of overwhelm and back to yourself

Start the 10-day journey to burnout-proof your business, without time blocking, hiring extra help, or trying to “just do less.”