Confidently launch your second business so you can express yourself, skyrocket your income, and reclaim your life.

It’s time to move beyond private practice to share your brilliance with the world.

Imagine if you could get paid to share your wisdom, ideas, and guidance with more than the 20 or so clients you see in private practice each week…

If you want to increase your impact and skyrocket your income, this is your personal invitation to step away from your therapist chair and into the Spotlight.


An intimate mastermind with personalized coaching from Maegan Megginson so you can turn your bazillion brilliant ideas into one booming business that brings home the big bucks (and leaves your therapist chair sitting empty for hours on end).
If you’re a sensitive and ambitious therapist who’s ready to take bold action to bring your big vision to life—and you refuse to sacrifice rest or happiness to make it happen—this is for you.
Arianna just celebrated a 5-figure launch —

“I slowed down, became more profitable, and a more well-rounded human again”

“I can hardly believe I’ve created a successful scalable second business! It feels great, I find myself thinking, “holy shit, is this my life?!” — I never thought this was possible for me.

I haven’t just improved my business life, I’ve improved my personal life, my social life, I’ve become a more well-rounded person because my identity isn’t only tied up in my business anymore.”

Ariana Smith

LPC, Therapist & Copywriter

Ann Marie made $10,000 in her first launch —

“I don’t feel stuck or trapped anymore, I move through the world more myself”

“I’ve signed up for another six months in Spotlight because Maegan has made me back every fucking dollar I’ve ever spent on her — I would never have created my second business without her!

It feels like busting out of the container. With the support of Maegan I feel I have permission to be myself, I can take action on things that are in my soul. She’s changed the trajectory of my life and what’s possible for me.”

Dr. Ann Marie Miner

Clinical Psychologist and Motherhood Disruptor


“Do I want to be a therapist forever and ever?”

And that voice is getting a bit louder every day.

You’ve done the hard work and your private practice is finally in good shape (halle-frickin-lujah!). But, let me guess, you’ve got some questions on your mind like…

What’s next?

How can I make more money?
How can I get out of this 1:1 model?
And the biggie, gulp — do I really want to be a therapist forever?

Starting a group practice was the obvious choice for a while but now the idea of low profit margins and managing other therapists feels a bit like starting middle school again. NOPE!

You’re interested in something beyond being a therapist… something more creative… something more YOU.

You’ve got tons of ideas but don’t want to throw yourself back into burnout

Because you’ve been there and it ain’t pretty.

But with some support and guidance (from someone who’s been exactly where you are right now), you’ve got an inkling you might be able to create something brilliant.

Am I right?

If you’re nodding along right now, then I invite you to step into the Spotlight. This is the space where we turn your best ideas into a second business that gives you more money, freedom, and flexibility.

So whether you want to be a thought leader, coach, consultant, or something else is calling you, read on my friend.


Imagine waking up every Monday feeling like it’s Christmas morning…

We’re not talking about the adult-kind-of-Christmas where you’re fretting over the turkey all day. No, no.

We’re talking about those exciting Christmas mornings when you were five years old and Santa was R-E-A-L.

Waking up and jumping out of bed, fully charged with excitement, and rushing down the stairs to get your first glimpse of the magical day ahead…

This is how you can feel every day in your business.

Instead of waking with anxiety or overwhelm, you wake with a creative energy that even the freshest, strongest coffee can’t whip up.

Your schedule is free so you can do whatever the hell you like… but the thing you really want to do? Work on your next-level business! And honestly, it doesn’t even feel like work because you’re getting paid to be yourself.

“This sounds great Maegan, but what exactly will I do in my second business?”

I hear you! After spending years mastering the art of therapy, it’s hard to imagine what else you could possibly do. I know because I felt the same.

But you’re not “just a therapist”—you’re already an expert, a healer, a guide. And your second business is a bit like bottling up all that goodness and selling it.

What does that mean literally? You’ll become a coach, consultant, or educator, and run group programs to escape the 1:1 handcuffs so you can skyrocket your income, work fewer hours, and increase your impact.

The best bit? You’ll create this second business as a separate entity so you don’t jeopardize your therapy license… which means you get to unleash the real you beyond the blank slate and embrace every little ounce of your amaaaaaaaazing personality (which is exactly why we call your second business your personal brand).

Still not 100% sure if you can picture it? Look at Brené Brown, Esther Perel, or even little old me! We’ve done it and so can you!

You’re ready to step into the Spotlight if…

  • You’ve completed most of the curriculum in my Next-Level Therapist program—or at least feel confident with the basics and are ready for more hands-on support with implementation

  • You want to create and grow a second business to open up a world of shiny new possibilities you thought were off-limits to licensed professionals

  • You’re excited to design new offerings and take bold action toward your goals (recovering perfectionists are welcome, we’ll help you stop perfecting and start acting!)

  • You’re willing to be visible in your industry… even if you’re scared shitless and riddled with imposter syndrome! Learning to navigate your fear as you step into the spotlight is a big part of this process

Hi, I’m Maegan Megginson!

I’ll be your coach, your hand-holder, your accountability buddy that always encourages you to take bold action when you need it most (more on me below if we’ve not met yet…)

How exactly does Spotlight coaching work?

Spotlight is not a course with a set curriculum you have to follow, so if you’re feeling a bit “coursed out,” I’ve got you.

This is a highly personalized 6-month coaching program where I guide you through everything you need to launch your second business.

You’ll get full access to our extensive library jam-packed with all the resources you need. And I’ll tell you exactly what to dive into — when you need it most.

What’s included:

This is the only place where you can call me, Maegan Megginson, your personal business coach.
Spotlighters are my #1 priority, my raison d’être, my true loves!
Your success is my everything so I’ve created the ultimate trifecta to ensure you have everything you need to meet your ambitious goals with ease.
Say hello to The 3 C’s
Coaching, Content, and Community
This is the complete ecosystem for creating (and sustaining) your very own profitable second business.

A ton of coaching so you can take bold action.

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls with me so you can regularly pick my brain on your exciting venture

  • Quarterly Planning Workshops—2-hour live session with me every 3 months to keep you on track with your goals (yep, both your rest goals and your success goals!)

  • Monthly Guest Expert Workshops with leaders in your industry—because frankly, the more brains the better!

A treasure chest of content and resources you can devour at your own pace.

  • Access to the latest version of the Next-Level Therapist Self-Study Program (this covers everything from marketing and tapping into your ideal audience to setting boundaries and streamlining your private practice)

  • The Personal Brand Project Library to guide you through everything you need to know to create and scale your second business

  • The Live Workshop Vault so you have access to all my paid workshops and our archive of guest expert workshops

An intimate community so you can create connections with like-minded ambitious therapists.

  • Monthly Small Group Mastermind—you’ll be matched with just 4 like-minded therapists to create an initimate group for monthly meetings—warning: you may make lifelong friends here

  • Bi–Weekly Co-Working Sessions for when you need a nudge of accountability to get. shit. done.

  • Private Facebook Group with direct access to me and fellow Spotlighters for on-demand feedback, support, and guidance between coaching calls

  • Bonus: Monthly Mastermind for Group Practice Owners where we deep dive into leadership, strategy, and working ourselves out of our groups to make time to build our personal brands

Upgrade your membership

Get private coaching from me and unlimited Voxer support to ensure I'm there when you need me most.

You’ll get two private coaching sessions and direct access to me on Voxer, when you add private coaching to your membership.

You can ask me any questions and get feedback, advice, and guidance in the moment when you need it most. I love leaving detailed, juicy voice notes filled with value to help you create your second business with confidence.

This is what Spotlight member Annie Robershaw had to say about the extra Voxer support…

“It was great to be able to send a thought, feeling, or question in the moment—Maegan always responded so efficiently. I can't say enough about it, it's been so amazing. I would feel better after just sending the message, before I even had a response, knowing it was coming.”

So, if you’re ready to express yourself, skyrocket your income, and reclaim your life…

Then I look forward to receiving your application!

Yes, and I want to add private coaching with Maegan for complete peace of mind!

  • Two 45-minute 1:1 Zoom coaching calls

  • 24/7 private Voxer coaching with Maegan

  • All of the coaching, content, and community benefits provided with Spotlight Core Membership



per month

(for 6 months)

Yes, I am ready to step into the Spotlight community!

Spotlight Core Membership is right for me, and I understand this doesn't include the extra private coaching calls and Voxer support with Maegan.

  • All the coaching, content, and community as listed above



per month

(for 6 months)

Spotlight requires a 6-month commitment to ensure you have enough time to create stellar results
and meaningful connections with this close-knit community

“The price is totally worth it for the growth that you’ll see.”

“Not just business growth, but also personal and emotional growth — and learning how to manage and think about your business differently. Maegan’s coaching style is gently assertive. She listens, she pays attention, she can be directive, but I can’t overstate the kindness. I think it can be quite scary to start listening to somebody and to get coaching on something that’s so personal. But it feels really good when that somebody comes in with gentleness and says: ‘You’re doing a great job and how can we push you forward?’”

Dena Omar

LCSW & Anti-Oppression Consultant

“I'm signing up for the third time, which speaks volumes.”

“I was flying by the seat of my pants and came to the realization that I needed guidance and a framework to grow into a successful entrepreneur — and do it in a way that didn’t burn me out and send me back into chronic illness. Maegan has taught me how to grow a successful business while also being well rested. My personal growth has aligned with the growth of her program.”

Emy Tafelski



“Tell me more about the content that’s included!”

This is your knowledge bank to take the shortcut to success.

It’s full of videos, audio, tech tutorials, and worksheets galore! It’s basically everything I know about launching and running a successful second business beyond private practice.

This, coupled with weekly coaching calls (and all the goooood stuff listed above), is designed to give you complete confidence and clarity to launch your next-level business.

Wanna take a peek inside the library?


Clarify your next-level business

This content will help you get all the brilliant ideas out of your head and decide which one to move forward with.

You will then turn this idea into YOUR unique and magnetic intellectual property that’ll make you stand out from the crowd.

Example projects inside the library:
  • Intellectual Property 101

    An introduction for therapists who want to package and monetize their expertise

  • Designing Your Signature Framework

    The step-by-step guide to translating your eclectic knowledge into transformative intellectual property

  • From Jargon to Jazz

    Creative copywriting techniques to make your signature framework magnetic and memorable


Cut through the red tape

Everything you need to know about how to create a second business without any limitations or license restrictions.

Learn to navigate all the bureaucratic red-tape with guidance from legal and financial experts, reducing your fear and overwhelm.

Example projects inside the library:
  • Your 2nd Business Checklist

    Quick guide to eliminate overwhelm and clarify how to create your business beyond private practice

  • 2nd Business Legalities

    Attorney-approved answers to your most pressing legal questions

  • 2nd Business Finances

    Accountant-approved answers to your most pressing financial questions


Step into the Spotlight!

Let’s tell the world about your big ideas! But let’s do it with a marketing and visibility strategy that is unique to your personality and energetic needs.

Example projects inside the library:
  • How to Market Without Social Media

    Relationship marketing strategies to create a network of evangelists who want to spread the word about your amazing brand

  • Pitch Perfect

    Step-by-step guide to booking guest podcast appearances and nailing your podcast interviews

  • From Dud to Dazzle

    How to overcome your fear of video and discover your dazzling on-camera persona (even if you think you’re boring, awkward, and camera-shy)

  • Step Into The Spotlight

    Create a unique-to-you marketing + visibility strategy that feels exciting, energizing, and easy to implement


Create an audience of raving fans

If you’ve heard of lead magnets and email lists but aren’t sure where to start, this content will guide you through everything you need to know so that you can build and nurture an audience that’s hungry to buy what you’re selling!

Example projects inside the library:
  • Fantastic Freebie

    Simple guide to creating a delightful lead magnet that turns your ideal clients into raving fans

  • Email Marketing 101

    How to leverage the power of email marketing to grow your second business with clarity and confidence

  • Email Marketing Tech Support

    Step-by-step no-fuss tech tutorials to help you set up your email marketing systems with ease


Launch your signature program

Learn everything you need to know to launch your signature group program so you can expand your reach, increase your revenue, and reduce your 1:1 hours.

Then learn how to create passive income products that’ll make you money while you sleep. Cha-ching!

Example projects inside the library:
  • 5 Reasons ‌You Should Start With a Group Program

    (and why it’s way better than creating an online course)

  • Create Your Signature Group Program

    Everything you need to create an engaging, transformative, and scalable group program that expands your impact and your income

  • Your Sales Page Savior

    Copywriter approved sales page template designed to help you craft compelling copy for your signature group program with ease


Sell with ease (and zero sleaze)

If the idea of selling makes you feel a bit icky, then this section of the Personal Brand Library is for you!

Here you’ll learn how to sell with integrity and confidence, how to ask for help to promote your brand from colleagues, and how to gather testimonials/social proof to help build your credibility.

Example projects inside the library:
  • Sleaze-Free Selling for Therapists

    The guide to selling your products and services with ethical integrity and fierce confidence

  • Rally the Troops

    How to incentivize your referral network to spread the word about your signature group program so that you sell out on repeat

  • Tell Me I’m AMAZING

    The (almost) painless method for requesting testimonials and capturing social proof from your happiest clients


Creating a personal brand set me free from private practice prison and opened a world of possibilities I never knew existed.

Even after launching two private practices and building a successful 7-figure group practice, I still felt something was missing…

Everything looked great on the outside, but honestly, I felt empty on the inside. I was really scared. Was happiness an oil-greased curveball I’d never catch?

So I did something a little bit wild…

I shimmied out of my therapist-approved J.Crew cardigan and took a good hard look at everything underneath. That’s when I discovered myself. Not my perfectionistic, over-achieving self, but my funny, creative, playful self that had been buried under a pile of textbooks and other people’s expectations.

And you know what?
I fell in love with her, and I wanted her to be free.

So I allowed myself to swear when I wanted to, I wrote emails to other therapists sharing bold opinions (shock! horror!), and I started to wonder if I could get paid to be me. Authentically and unapologetically me.

Turns out, I can!
And so can you.

Creating my personal brand set me free. It turned on a tap of creativity and energy I never knew existed—and now I’m here to turn that tap on for you too.

“Maegan has this lovely way of holding you accountable to your dreams and your needs, while loving you at the same time.”

Annie Robershaw

LMFT Therapist, Coach, and Fellow Traveler

“She cultivated a relationship with me, and in our group, where I felt incredibly seen, nurtured, protected, and cared for, while also knowing when and how to challenge and push me with compassion that motivated me. She’s so bright, fast, intelligent, and whip smart.

Thanks to her support I feel lit up with empowerment and energy to create a business that not only serves others, but that also serves me and my family, and a business that is aligned with my unique gifts and skills.

With her encouragement I’ve slowed down, adjusted my expectations, and my focus. I never saw myself as a CEO or as a business leader, and now I am just in awe with my development and new insights in this role.

My energy is surging with creativity right now, which is exciting and invigorating because it opens up so many possibilities to serve others and cultivate a sustainable life.”

Our motto is
No thinking allowed!

I’m joking, obviously! (Or am I?)
Your problem is you’re too good at thinking.
I’m here to help you take action on your great ideas so you
can finally bring your bold vision to life.

Now, let’s answer your burning questions…

  • What’s the difference between Spotlight and your other program Next-Level Therapist?

    Good question! Next-Level Therapist is my 6-month program where we reduce your caseload, increase your therapist income, and clean up your private practice so you have the time and energy to create a personal brand. It follows a curriculum that takes you through every step of this process.

    Spotlight is what comes after you’ve done this work!

    Once you’ve reduced your hours (and increased your income), dealt with your burnout, uncovered your magical personality, identified your target audience, and launched your first workshop to test the waters, then you can join Spotlight.

    Spotlight is where you create the second business beyond the private practice so you can express yourself, skyrocket your income, and reclaim your life.

    There’s no curriculum in Spotlight, instead there’s more emphasis on personalized coaching and a ton of content in the personal brand library to help bring your second business to life.

  • Can I join Spotlight if I haven't taken Next-Level Therapist?

    Spotlight has been designed for Next-Level Therapist graduates but — if you feel very clear about what you want to create and you are not feeling overwhelmed and burned out by your private practice — you may be able to jump straight into the Spotlight.

    As part of Spotlight you do get access to the latest Next-Level Therapist curriculum so you could also work through that at your own pace.

    If you want to skip Next-Level Therapist and step straight into Spotlight, complete the application on this page, and the Spotlight team will get back to you with an honest opinion regarding whether you’re ready for this program.

  • I'm a group practice owner — would Spotlight be a good coaching community for me?

    If you want to create a profitable personal brand — AKA a second business to give you freedom from your group practice — then YES Spotlight is for you! (Same answer goes if you have a private practice.)

    We’ve got lots of group practice owners in Spotlight so you will be in good company. And we have a special intimate mastermind group that meets every month just for group practice owners. That’s your space to talk about what’s going on in your group practice but the primary focus of Spotlight is to create a personal brand  —  not grow or optimize your group practice.

  • When can I join Spotlight?

    Today? Tomorrow? When do you want to join? We don’t have fixed start dates in this coaching community so you don’t need to wait to start working on your dreams!

  • What time are the group calls?

    Great question! If you’re seriously considering applying for Spotlight and want to know the days/times of our meetings, send an email to nancy@maeganmegginson.com and request access to our Dates Document. This will give you the days/times for our meetings over the next six months.

  • How much time do I need for Spotlight?

    I recommend setting aside one day a week to work on your business during Spotlight (honestly, it’s always a good idea to take CEO days whether you enroll in this program or not!). 

    This is not a curriculum based program so your journey, and the time it takes to complete, will be highly personalized. You decide how much you want to show up and absorb. The only element which is mandatory* is the small group mastermind sessions (two hours, once a month).

    At the end of the six months, you’ll have the option to stay in Spotlight if you want continued coaching, or you may be ready to move on.

    *Quick definition of mandatory — no worries if you have a vacation planned one month, or you’re sick (please rest up!) — but the mastermind is an integral part of this community. It’s where you’ll integrate everything that you’re learning and get the emotional support that you need to do the hard work that it takes to create a next level business. (Plus people are always blown away by how magical these groups are!)

  • What is a personal brand?

    Your personal brand is your second business and spotlights YOU as the specialist, the person with something interesting to say, the provider with a special sauce for helping your most ideal clients create a powerful transformation in their lives. 

    Since your personal brand business spotlights YOU, you get to show up in the business as your most authentic self and design boundaries that honor your needs (+ give you full control over how you live your life). If you want to be less busy, more profitable, and more creative, this is a great path for you.

  • How do you make money from a personal brand?

    This is my favorite part! You can make money however. you. want. 

    Your personal brand will liberate you from butt-in-chair, one-on-one therapy prison and unlock the door for your most creative, out-of-the-box ideas. Group programs, online courses, high-ticket intensives, luxury retreats, membership communities, helpful workbooks, pre-recorded meditations… the sky’s the limit! 

    When you create a powerful message and know how to get in front of the people who need it most, you can make money selling whatever offer feels most exciting, creative, and energizing for you.

Have a question I haven’t answered?

Daaaamn, that means I’m not psychic after all! But don’t worry, I’m sure we have an answer for you.

Email us at maegan@maeganmegginson.com and someone from my team will get back to you with an answer ASAP!

I have 3 questions for you…

Are you ready to ditch your blank slate persona and get paid to express your bold opinions?


Are you ready to skyrocket your income by creating an out-of-the-box non-therapy business?


Are you ready to reclaim your time and freedom so you can finally live your happiest life?

If that’s a resounding YES, then I can’t wait to read
your application!

Yes, and I want to add private coaching with Maegan for complete peace of mind!

  • Two 45-minute 1:1 Zoom coaching calls

  • 24/7 private Voxer coaching with Maegan

  • All of the coaching, content, and community benefits provided with Spotlight Core Membership



per month

(for 6 months)

Yes, I am ready to step into the Spotlight community!

Spotlight Core Membership is right for me, and I understand this doesn't include the extra private coaching calls and Voxer support with Maegan.

  • All the coaching, content, and community as listed above



per month

(for 6 months)

Spotlight requires a 6-month commitment to ensure you have enough time to create stellar results
and meaningful connections with this close-knit community