Your business needs you to take care of yourself. 

Early Bird — $500 off + Extended Payment Plan — Available Until 10/7

Let’s go to the forest…

4-night Restorative Retreat for Business Owners

October 24-28, 2024 in Portland, OR
Annie feels more authentic, grounded, and joyful!

“Every moment of the experience was profoundly magical and transformative.”

Retreats sound great to me in theory, but the uncertainty of what to expect tends to get in the way of saying yes. And so it was when Maegan invited me to attend a 4-day retreat in the forest of the Pacific Northwest last year. By that point, we had worked intensively together for two years. I trusted her implicitly, and everything in me wanted to say yes, but I still hesitated. Thankfully, the part of me whispering, “You need this,” made the final call. 

Every moment of the experience was profoundly magical and transformative. Maegan was the only person I knew going in, but by the end, I had 16 new soulful friends whose presence and gifts enriched my life forever. I left the retreat joyful, inspired, rested, and deeply grounded. The depth of clarity and connection I experienced being so intentionally present with myself changed my life. It’s been a year now, and the ripple effect of that time continues to unfold. I have attended three retreats with Maegan, and each time, significant shifts unfold that infuse my life and work with more authenticity, sustainability, and joy. Maegan has a precious gift for creating a warm, meaningful, magical, and delightful space. You will feel free, seen, and supported. You need this! We all need this.

Annie Robershaw

Founder of Delightfully Free

Maggie finally found clarity for what's next!

“I was able to inhabit an intuitive and creative mind space for 3 full days.”

Before joining Maegan’s retreat, I was in emotional turmoil. My relationship was disintegrating, and I was on rocky ground with my business. During the retreat, I was able to inhabit an intuitive and creative mind space for all 3 days. I drove away from that incredible experience with crystal clear clarity about moving forward with my relationship and the seed of an idea for my signature creative offering that’s been growing into full fruition this year! 

Every part of the retreat oozed attention—the activities, the food (OMG!), the curated retreat space and land, the discussion topics, and the reverence for the natural world woven into every aspect of the retreat. Maegan is very good at communicating clear boundaries and expectations with so much love, and then she over-delivers, but not in a “got-to-prove-I’m-worth-it” kind of way—no, it’s in a loving and caring way that are natural to Maegan’s spirit. She’s passionate about rest and self-care as activism, about redefining success and inviting magic into all that we do as feminine business owners. I know that anything I do with Maegan, I will be deeply cared for AND called forward to be my most honest self. That kind of guidance is priceless!

Maggie Evans

Founder of The Creative Bohemian

It’s time to go on retreat.

Close your eyes and breathe.

Imagine waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the soft sound of laughter echoing in the distance. There are no alarms, no rigid agendas, just you, nestled in a cocoon of down blankets and pillows.

Your eyes flutter open as you’re greeted by a ray of sunshine gently caressing your cheek. You stretch your body, allowing your muscles to soften into this magical place where you have nowhere to be and no one needs anything from you.

Eventually, you make your way to the kitchen, where you help yourself to a fresh breakfast before gathering in the studio for our morning gentle movement and stretching session. 

Your first day of retreat has officially begun.

You're here to meet yourself.

It’s time to quiet your mind, drop into your body, and open your heart. 

You walk into the gathering space and find your spot in the circle. Before sitting down, you draw an Oracle or Tarot card for guidance and light a candle on the altar. 

There’s a fire crackling in the corner and gentle music playing in the background. Instead of screens, whiteboards, and spiral-bound agendas, you’re surrounded by bespoke art, floor cushions, and stunning views of the Pacific Northwest forest. 

Next, you’re guided through a group ceremony using music, movement, breath, and reflection. As you quiet your mind, you begin to source wisdom from deeper within yourself. The business problems that feel like “really big deals” back home begin to shapeshift into something more solvable. 

You feel yourself releasing the expectations of others as the truth about what you need unfurls like a fern, a sweet message meant just for you. The fog begins to clear. The path ahead is illuminated. Deep down, you remember that you know the answers to all of your questions.

You’re ready to relax into deep rest.

Now that your thinking brain has finally quieted down, your emotions are unblocked, and your inspiration is flowing, it’s time to rest.

As the insights start rushing in, you might feel the urge to open your computer and get to work, but you’re here to challenge the productivity status quo by giving yourself permission to relax into deep rest.

Walk in the forest, sauna in the bathhouse, make art in the studio, nap in your room, hang out with new friends, or sip apple cider while journaling next to the fire. Those are just a few of your options. 

Before dinner, you’ll join Maegan for a process circle, where you’ll share your insights and receive guidance on how to weave these ah-ha’s into your business.

You’ll end the day with a decadent dinner and an evening experience that will help integrate your work from the day and prepare you for a deep sleep.

And to think, this was only Day 1 of your Deep Rest Retreat…

This is professional development for your soul.

Running a business in late-stage capitalism is hard. You want to do good work in the world but need money to survive. That means you need to find clients, create compelling offerings, and sell your services on repeat until you (maybe) retire one day. 

And because you don’t have an MBA, you’re constantly questioning if you know what you’re doing. You’ll quickly pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to coaches who tell you exactly what strategy you need to succeed.

Then, you’re so busy following instructions that you lose connection to the deep, intuitive voice that called you to entrepreneurship in the first place. 

You don’t need another strategy.

You need to reconnect with yourself.

Still with me? You might feel the magic stirring.

The Deep Rest Retreat might be a good fit if…

  • You want to weave more magic and meaning into your mission-driven business without shame or judgment

  • You want to honor your ambition, your intuition, and the greater good in equal measure

  • You get fired up talking about oppressive systems like capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and colonialism

  • You are ready to heal from burnout and want to protect yourself from falling back into  hustle culture when you get home

  • You crave more spiritual integration in your work and are comfortable with expressions of ritual, ceremony, and magic

  • You are willing to go deep, be radically honest, and shed a few tears in the company of supportive others

  • You believe that you deserve rest but struggle to take care of yourself without feeling guilty, selfish, or lazy

  • You want to connect with other business owners who are willing to talk about money and spirituality without shame or judgment

  • You are ready to give exploitative hustle culture the middle finger by investing resources in caring for yourself as a business owner

And most importantly?

You’re tired of feeling like you’re in this alone.

Your heart knows that we’re all connected, that we’re all working together for the highest good, but damn, it’s hard to feel belonging and connection when we’re running our businesses inside of the matrix of capitalism. 

There is a community of spiritually-curious, magic-seeking business witches waiting to join you on this journey.

Do you want to step into this circle?


“Sounds great, but how will this benefit my business?”

This retreat isn’t just about personal transformation—it’s about aligning your inner world with the external success of your business. By taking time to reconnect with your intuition, release limiting beliefs, and recharge your energy, you’ll return to your work with renewed clarity, creativity, and focus. 

When you nurture your well-being, your business thrives in ways that go beyond spreadsheets and strategies. You’ll find that when you’re rested and aligned, attracting clients who resonate with your values becomes effortless, and decisions that once felt overwhelming become clearer.

This retreat will help you cultivate a business that is not only more profitable but also more aligned with who you are at your core. The work you do here will unlock new perspectives, deepen your sense of purpose, and foster more ease in the way you work. Whether you’re looking for more clarity on your next steps or simply want to show up in your business with less burnout and more energy, this retreat will provide you with the personal growth that leads to tangible, external outcomes in your business.

The work you do on the Deep Rest Retreat will help you: 

  • Align your business with your values

    This retreat helps you bring your personal and business values into harmony. When your business reflects your true self, everything—from marketing to client interactions—feels more authentic and aligned.

  • Find clarity in your next steps

    After all that noise in your head quiets down, you’ll gain crystal-clear insights about what’s next for your business. No more second-guessing or spinning in circles—you’ll leave with a renewed sense of direction.

  • Attract clients who truly align with you

    When you’re deeply connected to your values, you start attracting clients who resonate with what you’re all about. Say goodbye to mismatches and hello to the people who actually get your work.

  • Deepen your client relationships

    With more energy and emotional clarity, you’ll be able to show up more fully for your clients, creating stronger connections and building deeper trust. This means happier clients and more fulfilling work for you.

  • Set boundaries that actually stick

    You’ll learn how to prioritize yourself without feeling guilty. That means clearer boundaries with clients, less overwork, and more time for what really matters.

  • Unlock creative ideas and new offerings

    Rest fuels creativity. As you recharge, you’ll find yourself dreaming up fresh ideas, new services, and creative solutions that make your business stand out even more.

  • Boost your profits with more compelling offers

    By reconnecting with your core purpose and values, you’ll refine your services to align with your strengths. This means creating offers that resonate more deeply with clients—and that they’re excited to pay for.

  • Feel more confident in your pricing

    Letting go of self-doubt and trusting your intuition will help you recognize the true value of your work. You’ll feel empowered to set prices that reflect your worth—and your clients will see it too.

  • Enjoy more ease and flow in your business

    Letting go of mental and emotional blocks will make running your business feel more effortless. You’ll find yourself navigating daily operations with a newfound sense of ease and flow, reducing stress and making your workday smoother.

  • Prevent burnout and build long-term sustainability

    By learning to weave rest and self-care into your daily routine, you’ll protect yourself from burnout and keep your business thriving—without running yourself into the ground.

Deep Rest Retreat — Fall 2024

Let’s see if the logistical details align with your schedule...

When: Thursday, October 24 - Monday, October 28, 2024
Where: Private retreat center about an hour from Portland International Airport

The Deep Rest Retreat includes a pre-retreat and post-retreat Zoom gathering. The FAQ section provides more information about these preparation and integration sessions.

If you’re local, you can drive directly to the retreat center. If you’re coming from out of state, you’ll fly into Portland International Airport. We will offer shuttle pick-up and drop-off at the airport on arrival and departure day.

We cannot share the location publicly to protect the privacy of the land stewards. If you have questions about the space before completing the retreat application, please email


Hi, I’m Maegan Megginson!

I’m a licensed psychotherapist and business mentor on a mission to help spiritually-curious business owners dismantle the oppressive systems of capitalism that keep us stuck in the burnout cycle.

You might know me as the host of Deeply Rested, the podcast and newsletter that helps people doing good work in the world take good care of themselves. Drawing on my experience as a healer and seven-figure business owner, my unique magic weaves together the practical and spiritual elements we need to create successful businesses and truly wealthy lives. 

For the Woo-Initiated: I’m a 5/1 Emotional Projector, Enneagram 8 (The Challenger), Clairsentient Witch, and Highly Sensitive Introvert. Translation: I’m designed to see you deeply, understand your needs, and guide you back to truth with direct and gentle love.

“I created the Deep Rest Retreat to help you unplug from the matrix so you can reconnect to your needs, your vision, and your passion for your work.”

Maegan’s authenticity and compassion created a space where I could be honest with myself. I no longer feel weighed down or restricted by my business, and I feel more passion and motivation than I have in the last several years. Finally, I trust myself to know what is best for me and my business.

Lindsey Boes

Founder of Boes Therapy Services

Maegan is not your standard business coach. She is more of a spiritual mentor who activates a process of long-term transformation in all areas of your life. If you are someone who is sensitive, has big dreams, and wants to decondition from capitalist burnout culture, you can’t go wrong working with Maegan.

Sarah James Pearse

Founder of Limerence Free

Will you join us?
We’re gathering in Portland, OR from October 24 – 28, 2024.

Don’t bother packing your laptop or real pants—this is a device-free, comfort-first retreat designed to help you reconnect with yourself. 

Growth strategies and passive income might make you more profitable, but they won’t make you happy. If you want to create a more sustainable business, the best thing you can do is look within. 

The intention of this retreat is to help you create alignment between your soul, your values, and your business—a combination you can only access when you’re deeply rested. 

This is a sacred space where you can meet yourself while in the company of other ambitious, empathic, magical business owners who want to erase the colonized line between what is “personal” and what is “professional.” 

True success is an inside job.

This is the place you come to do the inside work.

What’s included with the Deep Rest Retreat?

  • 4-nights of gorgeous accommodations 

  • Delicious food prepared by our private chef

  • Private Oracle reading + intention-setting session with Maegan to prepare for retreat

  • Pre-retreat Preparation & Post-Retreat Integration group gatherings on Zoom

  • Carefully curated community of like-minded mission-driven business owners

  • Daily group ceremonies and process circles facilitated by Maegan (+ a few special guests!)

  • Daily non-strenuous movement + stretching sessions with Nancy Guidry

  • Bedtime crystal bowl sound bath to settle your nervous system and lull you to sleep

  • Access to a sauna, soaking tubs, and outdoor showers overlooking the forest

  • Clarity about your next steps in life and business

Here’s what you’ll do on the Deep Rest Retreat…


Your experience begins the moment you register for the retreat! Once you reserve your spot, we’ll reach out with organized onboarding instructions, including a link to schedule your private Oracle card reading + intention-setting session with Maegan. About a week before the retreat, we will gather on Zoom for a two-hour session where you’ll meet your fellow retreat participants and begin preparing for your Deep Rest Retreat experience.


We’ll gather at 4pm on Thursday, October 24th. You’ll have time to settle in, relax, and walk the land before we share a festive welcome feast prepared by our private chef, Melanie. Then, we’ll circle around the fire for our opening ceremony to welcome in the magic and set intentions for your Deep Rest weekend.


During our first full day together, we will create space in your mind and body by releasing everything you’re carrying that’s no longer serving you. I’ll guide you through a somatic ceremony to illuminate the shadows you’re too distracted to see during your day-to-day life. Together, we’ll name the old stories keeping you busy and burned out and then release them to the fire (literally). You’ll end the day feeling clearer and calmer than when you arrived. Sweet release!


Now that you’ve released outdated stories, beliefs, and expectations, you can sink into deep rest. But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? We will teach you how to luxuriate in deep rest. It’s juicy, pleasurable, and restorative. If you bump up against boredom, restlessness, or anxiety, we’ll be there to help you move through your unique barriers to deep rest. After dinner, you’ll be lulled to sleep by a mesmerizing crystal bowl sound bath.


The definition of revitalize is to “imbue something with new life and vitality.” That is precisely what you’re going to do today! Now that you’re clear and rested, it’s time to recharge your batteries with joy. Whether your joy is quiet and peaceful or loud and exuberant, there will be space to revitalize yourself in whatever way calls to you. We’ll focus on connecting to your intuition, clarifying your purpose, and speaking the truth for the future of your business. We’ll end the evening with a joyous celebration before we depart the following day.


Before departing at noon, we’ll share a farewell breakfast, followed by our final circle around the fire for the closing ceremony. You’ll be invited to share what you discovered during the retreat and name any intentions you want to take into the real world. But don’t despair; this won’t be the last time we see each other!


Integration is vital to a transformative retreat experience. About a week after our retreat, we’ll connect on Zoom for a two-hour integration circle to check in, reaffirm your intentions, and support your efforts to integrate your Deep Rest experiences into your life and business.


Here are a few tidbits to get you excited about our week in the forest…

  • Each morning begins with sacred silence and a buffet breakfast you can visit anytime between 8am-10am. If you want to sleep past 10am, just let us know, and we’ll make you a plate for later.

  • Try leaving your phone in our cozy phone nook to experience a day without texts, emails, or alarms dictating your every move.

  • Everything on the agenda is optional. Seriously, there is zero pressure to attend the gatherings or follow our schedule. We’ll celebrate if you want to spend all day lounging in bed.

  • We’ll start each day with a gentle, non-strenuous movement session to help you set the tone for the day ahead.

  • You’ll have five glorious hours of free time each day. We’ll give you a “Rest Menu” with ideas and activities available during the day. 

  • Sleeping accommodations are shared, but there will be plenty of cozy nooks and silent spaces if you need to recharge in solitude.

  • You’ll have access to our private bathhouse overlooking the picturesque Pacific Northwest forest. There’s a dry sauna, outdoor bathtubs, and showers.

  • Our private chef will prepare delicious and nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. We can accommodate your dietary restrictions! Fresh fruit and tea will be available for snacking throughout the day.

Here’s how a typical day on retreat might unfold…

This is an example schedule and is subject to change. This should give you a general idea of how our days unfold. Also, remember that everything on the agenda is optional.

Bring your burnout, anxiety, and existential dread.

Leave with a revitalized vision, calm body, and rested mind.

This retreat is about deep rest and transformation.

It’s impossible to predict exactly what will happen while you’re there—that’s part of the mystery of retreats—but I can promise you’ll leave feeling cleared out and more connected to your innate wisdom and intuition.

From this place, you will be able to make more aligned designs for your business that will lead to you living a more magical and inspired life.

If this speaks to your soul, we’re ready to hear from you. The magic awaits, my friend.

“Maegan helped me reconnect with my innate wisdom and develop a greater sense of self-trust.”

Before working with Maegan, I was struggling with burnout and feeling disconnected from my business and myself. Maegan’s mentorship challenged me to show up fully in all aspects of my life, which led me to a more balanced and energized approach to my work and path in life. Now, I feel more confident in my ability to integrate my full self into my work and to apply my inner wisdom more fully throughout my life. I highly recommend Maegan for her ability to facilitate deep, meaningful change and help you tap into your inner resources for transformation.

Alana Ogilvie

Founder of Portland Sex Therapy

“After working with Maegan, I’m living a life that I never thought was possible.”

When I first found Maegan, I was in the hellish depths of burnout, and every day felt crushing. With Maegan’s help, I’ve recovered from burnout and now have more space to rest and process, more creative freedom, more confidence, more time and income to travel, more space for spiritual practice, and more energy for friends and loved ones. I finally feel unapologetic in the way I run my business. Maegan is perceptive in a way that’s kind and freeing. She wants to get to the heart of what’s happening for you and will help guide you, slowly and at your own pace, toward where you want to be.

Arianna Smith

Founder of Courageous Copywriting

Early Bird — $500 off + Extended Payment Plan — Available Until 10/7

The moment you’ve been waiting for…

Your retreat fee includes everything listed above, but it does not include airfare or travel insurance. We will provide shuttle service to and from Portland International Airport. If you’re local, you can drive directly to the retreat center, which is about an hour from the airport. The two price points reflect different sleeping arrangements, which you can find out more about inside of the application.

Apply before 10/7  for $500 off your retreat fee and an extended 4-month payment plan! 

Tier 1 Pricing


$2,700 ($3,200 after Oct 7)

or 4 payments of $675

You will stay in a larger shared space with a private twin-sized bed. This area is separated by thick curtains, creating smaller sleeping nooks within the larger space. It is cozy and comfortable.

Apply Here

Tier 2 Pricing


$3,200 ($3,700 after Oct 7)

or 4 payments of $800

You will stay in a bedroom inside of the Retreat House with direct access to the bathroom. Depending on the room, you will have one or two roommates with a private full-sized bed.

Apply Here

Maegan is magic. She will help you find clarity, truth, alignment, and ease. She’s highly skilled at using her intuition to read between the lines to help you better understand the things that are getting in your way. She brings her heart and soul into her work. She walks the walk right alongside you.

Emily Perraut

Founder of The Caring Spot

Still have questions?

Email me at,
and I’ll answer all your questions ASAP.

If you’ve made it this far,
I bet you’re feeling the call to join me on the Deep Rest Retreat.

What are you waiting for?