This blog was originally sent as an email to my subscribers on November 26, 2024. This is an archive, so it’s possible some links are missing or expired. If you want me to deliver these emails directly to your inbox, click here to join my email list.
Subject: unexpected gratitude (← you’ve gotta try this)
I remember the sensation of construction paper rubbing against the pads of my fingers as we tore off brown strips to weave a Thanksgiving cornucopia.
It felt like sandpaper, coarse and soft at the same time. The satisfying vibration of the riiiiip as I alchemized one piece of paper into two.
I was sitting in my first-grade classroom, preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday by making culturally appropriated crafts and costumes, as one did in the early 90s.
But one lesson stands the test of time—practicing gratitude.
I remember the joy I felt writing the things I was grateful for on the leftover scraps of paper: my family, my dog, my house, my friends.
Gratitude is a gift, and I love how it weaves through our collective consciousness at this time of year.
When I’m invited to reflect on gratitude, my impulse is to turn my attention outwards, looking to the people, places, and things with whom I want to share my thanks.
This year, I’m feeling called to send some gratitude to myself.
When you’re mission-driven, it’s easy to fall into a rhythm of directing your gratitude outward. We’re so attuned to our environments and keenly aware of our privileges that it’s easy to make a list of thanks for all we have in this world.
It can be harder to shine that light of gratitude onto ourselves.
We’re afraid of being narcissistic, avoiding any action that could make us look egotistical or self-serving. But sometimes, we overcorrect, robbing ourselves of the love and validation we deserve for the hard work we do personally and professionally.
Today, I’m turning my gratitude inward, and I’d love for you to join me. Can you take a moment to extend gratitude to yourself for everything you’ve done this year?
Here are a few questions to get the gratitude energy flowing:
💌 What hard things have you done this year?
💌 What are you most proud of?
💌 In what ways have you surprised yourself?
💌 What wounds have you healed?
💌 What parts of yourself have you invited forward?
💌 Who have you served? How did you help them?
💌 How has your business made the world a better place?]
Breathe. Light a candle. Open your journal.
Allow yourself to reflect on everything you’re doing to care for yourself, your family, your clients, your community. It’s a lot, and you deserve to be the recipient of your own love and gratitude.
When I send gratitude to myself, I feel steadier and more grounded. It helps me slow down and reminds me that there is nothing I need to accomplish or achieve in order to be loved.
What happens when you shower yourself with gratitude?
I think you’re going to like the results. 😉
And now, I want to express my gratitude to you.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for reading my words and listening to the podcast.
It means the world to me, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.
With love,