This blog was originally sent as an email to my subscribers on January 28, 2021. This is an archive, so it’s possible some links are missing or expired. If you want me to deliver these emails directly to your inbox, click here to join my email list.
Subject: how to delegate like a boss
I decided to kick off the new year by reading a book about delegation!
What can I say? I’m a party animal.
Delegation is challenging for most service-based entrepreneurs… especially those of us who are introverted and would prefer not to speak to other humans on the regular.
But I’ve learned that hiring support is the only way to achieve my dream of working less while earning more. Sooo suck it up!
Also, I absolutely hate when other people tell me I should read something.
The one way to guarantee I’ll never read a book? Tell me I’d really love it.
In high school, I aced my way through English classes using CliffsNotes and my superb bullshitting skills.
I thought I’d pay it forward and share my takeaways with you so you don’t have to read the book yourself. Unless you want to, in which case, here you go.
Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork
By Dan Sullivan & Benjamin Hardy
✔️ Every time you add a task to your to-do list (this is called a “How”), ask yourself, “Who could I pay to do this for me?” Even if you don’t outsource the task, it’s helpful to practice asking yourself this question!
✔️ It’s easy to do everything yourself because you feel like you can’t afford to hire someone, but doing the “hows” costs you the most valuable resource of all… your time!
✔️ We discover our best, most creative ideas and solutions when we have time and space to let our minds wander. If we’re stuck in doing mode, we’ll never move our businesses forward.
✔️ My favorite part of the book was a section about procrastination. Check out this quote:
Everyone who is ambitious procrastinates. It is part of having big goals that stretch far beyond you. But for most people, procrastination never leads to creating the result. Instead, it leads to inaction, regret, and frustration. And once there is a lack of progress and confidence, soon ambition is lost altogether. You only have two options when you procrastinate. The first and most common approach is to ask yourself, “How do I do this?” This generally leads to more procrastination. “How?” is the question society and our public education system have trained us to ask the moment we have a goal or desire. The second, and more effective option, is to simply shift the question to, “Who can help me with this?” By doing so, you can stop procrastinating and feeling discouraged. Instead, you can experience an injection of energy, confidence, and creativity. Another powerful variation of this question could be, “Who can achieve this goal for me?”… If you don’t listen, then procrastination leads to misery and mediocrity. Procrastination is a very powerful signal telling you it’s time to get another Who involved.
✔️ Stop thinking about “Whos” as costs. They are not costs, they are investments in your future. If you can’t shift your mindset here, you’ll stay stuck in a pile of limiting beliefs that keep you small and stressed out.
✔️ Hire people who are passionate about your vision. This might require you to work on clarifying your vision for your business and for your life. The more compelling your vision, the easier it will be to find someone who is genuinely excited about working with you in support of your goals.
✔️ There is tremendous power in collaborating with other entrepreneurs. But instead of asking yourself what other people can do for you, ask yourself how you can be an essential “who” for other people. How can you add value to their lives and businesses? This abundance mindset will pay dividends for everyone involved!
Okay, those are my CliffsNotes. Now I want you to write a five paragraph essay… just kidding! I will not read your five paragraph essay.
But I would love to know if any of these takeaways resonate with you. Hit reply and let me know.
Pay attention to every little thing you do in your business this week, and ask yourself how it would feel if you had someone on your team (even if that team is currently imaginary) do it for you.
Don’t forget, I’m here to help if you get stuck. Untangling janky mindsets and outlining clear delegation plans bring me joy!
Click here to book one of my 2 remaining Strategy Sessions in March.
Here’s to doing less of what we hate and more of what we love!