This blog was originally sent as an email to my subscribers on July 28, 2021. This is an archive, so it’s possible some links are missing or expired. If you want me to deliver these emails directly to your inbox, click here to join my email list.
Subject: personal emergency
This is going to be a short email.
I’ve spent the last 72 hours cleaning up after my dog.
My first born fur-baby is dealing with a coming-out-of-both-ends variety of stomach upset.
Remember that pea soup scene from The Exorcist? 😭
OH and Jonathan threw out his back last week… so I have a dog who can’t keep her shit together and a husband who can’t bend over. When it rains, it pours, amiright?
After a sleepless night taking care of my sad little Joanie, I knew I needed a day off to go to the vet, take a nap, and disinfect my house.
At 8am, I sent S.O.S. messages to my team requesting business backup.
It went something like this…
Me: Hi Nancy. Was up all night cleaning dog shit. So exhausted. Can you please cancel my meetings and handle the business today?
Nancy: Oh no! I’m so sorry!! I’m on it. Hope Joanie gets seen and treated soon.
… and that’s it.
I was able to step away with no notice, and the business kept chugging along without me.
I sent a similar message to the Practice Manager of my therapy center asking that she please shield me from any stressful group practice happenings today. And she did. Bless her.
My point is that I’m feeling a lot of gratitude for my team and the businesses we’ve created!
This has been a great reminder that it’s possible to build a business that puts YOU first without sacrificing your success.
If you’re tired of running a business that can’t function without your constant attention, I want you to know there is an escape hatch right around the corner.
It is possible to be deeply rested and wildly successful.
For me, it looked like taking a long nap and snuggling my sweet pup while my business moved forward without me today. That flexibility is priceless. I want you to have it too.
And now, the moment I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for, here’s a picture of the best dog in the whole wide world post-tummy ache ❤️
I’m off to take another nap with Joanie.
Talk soon,